Inside my human’s tote bag

While basking on my rock today, I heard something fall over. It actually sounded as if many things were rolling around on the ground. I sighed and slid off my rock and into the cool water to see if I could spot what had fallen and made the sound that ruined what I like to call “Shellbert’s quiet time.” It’s the time when my human stops goggling me and  stops trying to take pictures of  me with her little black rectangular box. I mean, what does she think I’m going to do, flips? So, anyway, when I slid into the water and scooted up to the side of my tank, I found what had fell. It was her bag and all of her little goodies had spilled out and where laying all over the floor. This is what I saw:

Memories trapped in her rectangular box, I think it’s called a camera,
Small , red, cinnamon flavored mints encased in an Altoid can to freshen her breath,
Keys held together by two key rings that clank around,
The subtle smell of freesia  trapped inside a bottle,
A teeny, purple, little square that contains her favorite music
A small, peach  colored jar of lotion to moisten her dry human hands,
A tiny bottle of laundry detergent to make her clothes smell like a summer breeze,
White out to correct her mistakes that can’t be erased,
Pens and pencils to jot down important things,
Spare lead and erasers for mechanical pencils,
A wallet full of money, ID’s, and pictures of her family, why isn’t my face in there?
Used tissue bunched together, that were  hiding at the bottom of the bag,
Coconut cookie bars from a recent trip to the dollar store, wrapped up in a paper towel
An agenda to help keep track of her busy schedule,
A  thick book to help keep her  occupied if bored,
And a colorful, medium sized bag that holds mascara and lip gloss.

Boy, it’s a mess in there!  I wonder if all humans are so unorganized? It makes me glad that I have everything that I need right here in my tank.

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